I suppose you know how to create a Phonegap project and also how to add a plugin into the project.
First download the required code from here.
To do this, right-click on the Plugins folder in Xcode and select to “Add Files to…” the folder.
Navigate to the Ads folder, and select the folder. Check “Copy items
into. . .” and “Create groups for. . .” A ChildBrowser folder is added to the Plugins folder. Copy the content of "js" folder to desired location.
Then update the plist to use the plugin
See the "index.html" for initialization of the code.
Make sure you link in the iAd framework to your project. Do this by going to your project settings in Xcode. Then select your target and in the right pane go to "Build Phases." Then in the "Link Binary with Libraries" section hit the "+" button to add more frameworks. Select iAd.framework click "Add" and then rebuild.
First download the required code from here.
Add the "Ads" folder to your plugins list.
To do this, right-click on the Plugins folder in Xcode and select to “Add Files to…” the folder.
Navigate to the Ads folder, and select the folder. Check “Copy items
into. . .” and “Create groups for. . .” A ChildBrowser folder is added to the Plugins folder. Copy the content of "js" folder to desired location.
Then update the plist to use the plugin
In Supporting Files > PhoneGap.plist, add under Plugins
(click the down arrow to the left of Plugins, then click on the + symbol to open a new row):
Key: SAiOSAdPlugin
Type: String (default)
Value: SAiOSAdPlugin
See the "index.html" for initialization of the code.
Now, to display the Ad, call "showTheAd(true)"
and whenever you want to hide the Ad call "showTheAd(false)"
Make sure you link in the iAd framework to your project. Do this by going to your project settings in Xcode. Then select your target and in the right pane go to "Build Phases." Then in the "Link Binary with Libraries" section hit the "+" button to add more frameworks. Select iAd.framework click "Add" and then rebuild.
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