I suppose you know how to create a Phonegap project and also how to add a plugin into the project. First download the required code from here . Add the "Ads" folder to your plugins list. To do this, right-click on the Plugins folder in Xcode and select to “Add Files to…” the folder. Navigate to the Ads folder, and select the folder. Check “Copy items into. . .” and “Create groups for. . .” A ChildBrowser folder is added to the Plugins folder. Copy the content of "js" folder to desired location. Then update the plist to use the plugin In Supporting Files > PhoneGap.plist, add under Plugins (click the down arrow to the left of Plugins, then click on the + symbol to open a new row): Key: SAiOSAdPlugin Type: String (default) Value: SAiOSAdPlugin See the "index.html" for initialization of the code. Now, to display the Ad, call "showTheAd(true)" and whenever you want to hide the Ad call "showTheAd(false)" ...