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Showing posts from 2014

Java : Read from Excel (xls) file

Reading from a text file is common. But, reading from an excel(.xls) file is not. Recently, I got to do so. Little bit Google search and experimentation resulted in the following. I used HSSF from Apache-POI. import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import; import; public void readFromXlsFile (String pathToFile, String sheetName){     try {         FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(pathToFile);         HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(file);         HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(sheetName);         Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.rowIterator();                     while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {  ...

Mac Yosemite : Ugly turned out to be Uglier and Ugliest

You might have read my review on Mac OSX Yosemite , The Good, bad and ugly. Now it turned out to be UGLIEST. No more words. Here's the image. If you are on Yosemite, you might be familiar with it. Most of the times, you get stuck on boot logo. I've seen complaints regarding it saying that fellow members are ignorant of it and they deny such possibility, even though many are still facing it. Workarounds suggested by our online friends: Just reboot your mac as many times it takes to your desktop. Boot into safe mode, by holding SHIFT and then reboot. Comment your workaround below, mine is the first one. If you are still on Mavericks, be there till Apple provides a fix for this.

Mac OSX Yosemite : Good, bad and Ugly

I can’t start my review with some statement like “yet another operating system”. Because it is still the same with some differences. I will start with my journey so far with Yosemite. Sometime back when I saw the preview images, it was like WOW. Are they transforming the Mac into iPhone/iPad? Wait, does it look familiar? Is it somewhat like Material Design of Android? Never mind, what we need is a clean and powerful OS. Mac is already clean and Yosemite seemed much cleaner. Fingers-crossed and waited for official launch. Finally my AppStore said, here is a powerful OS for you, that too for FREE. Lets talk about this FREE tag later. Just remind me if I missed it. It took some time to install (almost an hour after downloading. Pre- and post-installation….). Warning : What follows is strictly my opinion. When I looked at the lock screen for my first boot, I literally shouted WOW. It seems like I’m on an iPad. With no delay I logged into my PC and that’s it. Now my expression...

Mac: Write to NTFS partitions

Pre-requisites : XCode Homebrew To install Xcode , goto AppStore and install Xcode To install homebrew : Open terminal and run following commands ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" brew doctor brew update To enable NTFS write support : Open  terminal and run following commands brew install ntfs-3g sudo mv /sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs.orig sudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/ntfs-3g/2014.2.15/sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs brew install osxfuse brew info osxfuse Last command will display 2 commands, which will look like following: sudo /bin/cp -RfX /usr/local/opt/osxfuse/Library/Filesystems/osxfusefs.fs /Library/Filesystems/ sudo chmod +s /Library/Filesystems/osxfusefs.fs/Support/load_osxfusefs Run them through terminal. Now plug-in NTFS device and check the info. It will be read and write supported.

QuickSynergy - Control multiple computers with single mouse and keyboard

Sometimes, we may have to access more than one computer simultaneously, and it is not convenient to use multiple mouse and keyboards. To access multiple (mostly 2) computers at a time, one can use a KVM switch. It is a switch which toggles the access of peripherals between two computers. This is bit costly and KVM switches are not so common in electronics shop in your lane. So, here is an software alternative for KVM. QuickSynergy : It is a graphical interface (GUI) for easily configuring Synergy2 , an application that allows the user to share his mouse and keyboard between two or more computers. Also, your clipboard will be shared between the devices. Isn't it cool!! Enjoy multi-tasking.

Mac: Spectacle - Resize windows with ease

If you've migrated from Windows/Ubuntu to Mac OSX, then you might miss the feature of re-sizing the windows (with keyboard) and aligning them properly on top/left/right/bottom/center of the screen. Though we can use the + and - on toolbar to resize, we won't get the expected behavior always :( Recently I came to know about an app, called Spectacle, which comes handy to resize and position the windows with ease. To know more about it and to get it, click here .

Code for Php based online Treasure Hunt

Hello guys. Some time back I organized an online treasure hunt as part of an event at my college. I thought of sharing the code with you, as you might find it useful. So, I uploaded it on github and here is the link to my repository. Download it from here , and enjoy organizing the game

Ubuntu: Recursively delete multiple files with specific format

Sometimes we have to delete files of specific format (common extensions, ends with ~, etc) which were spanned over a group of directories. To do so, we follow certain methods. Lets do it by an example. In my case, I've o create the temporary files, i.e., the ones ending with ~. Method 1 : Delete them manually Method 2 : Goto each such directory and run the following command rm *~ Method 3 : rm *~ rm */*~ rm */*/*~ rm */*/*/*~ First two methods need more time and to use third method, we must know the depth of recursion. Following method will solve our problem. Method Friendly : Run the following command from the parent directory from which you are deleting the files. find . -name '*~' -type f -delete This will delete all files ending with ~, from the current directory and also all its sub-directories.

PHP : Set document root to be a subdirectory without .htaccess or Virtualhost

Recently I faced a problem with hosting a website on a server to which I have limited access. I was provided with permission only to a sub-directory on the server. I'm habituated to use relative paths, but my root points to the root of server and not my sub-directory. This forced me to use absolute paths at every point. I searched for the solution and end up with two results: .htaccess ot Virtualhost I never tried to understand .htaccess and I don't have access to set Virtualhost . This forced me to try bit harder and here is the outcome. I've created a file named rootpath.php on root directory of my website. ( Note : this is not root '/' of the web server, but my sub-directory) Its contents are as follows: <?php     $relative_path = "/subdirectory";     $server_url = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];     $root = "http://" . $server_url. $relative_path; ?> Now, I include this file on top of every file. Eg: <?php requi...

Find an old archived link on web

In recent past, I'm need of a tool, to which the provider no longer provides the link to download. Previously I've blogged about Openlogic , which serves this purpose. Openlogic contains unofficial fork of the original repository, and to be precise, I haven't found the tool I'm in search of. I found Internet Archive : Wayback Machine , while searching for it. It has got 412 billion stored pages and you may look into older versions of any website or you can get link to any software/tool which used to be a website. All you have to do is, provide a link or part of a link to search. For example, to know how my website used to be in 2013, just type and you can see a calender with some of the dates highlighted, on which they had the snapshot of my website. You can even provide a part of link. For example, to get the link of older version of Android ADT, search using* You can find a set of links and...

Mac: AppleIntelCPUPowerManangement Kernel Panic

After upgrading from Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.2 to 10.9.3, my machine (HP Probook 4530s) ran into AppleIntelCPUPowerManangement Kernel panic, and to my surprise none of the boot flags helped me to boot into the system. I decided to do a fresh install, but even booting from USB resulted the same. Then I decided to remove AppleIntelCPUPowerManangement.kext, but I can't even access terminal. Here's the solution: My machine dual boots Windows and Mac. I logged into Windows Installed MacDrive , trial version Rebooted into windows and opened the drive on which Mac is installed Did two things, don't know which one helped: Opened /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist with a text editor and added the following code: <key>GenerateCStates</key> <string>No</string> <key>GeneratePStates</key> <string>No</string> And deleted  AppleIntelCPUPowerManangement  related kexts from this directory: /System/Library/Extensions/ ...

Mac: Access Mac formatted (HFS+) disks from Windows

Recently I found a very easy and useful tool to access devices (USB, HDD, in-fact drive on which Mac OSX is installed), from windows. MacDrive : Once you install MacDrive, it will reboot and all the drives which are Mac-formatted will be mounted alongside the Windows partitions. Having said that, there is a BIG problem. ITS NOT FREE. But, you can use the trial version, when in need.

Ubuntu: Directory size from terminal

In this post we gonna see how to find size of a directory from Terminal. To summarise disk usage of each file, recursively for directories, we can use the following command du [option]... [FILE/Directory]... To get the report in human readable format, along with the overall summary, use du -hs /path/to/directory To find sizes of directories recursively unto a certain depth (e.g.: depth = 2): du -h --max-depth=2 /path/to/directory

Ubuntu: Proxy settings for Maven

Recently I faced problem using maven under a proxy network and by little research, found this solution. Temporary solution : Add the following options along with your maven command -DproxySet=true -DproxyPort=3128 For example, to run "mvn package": mvn -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost= -DproxyPort= 3128 package Permanent solution : To add the proxy settings permanently, goto {M2_HOME}/conf/settings.xml and find the <proxies> section. Un-comment the required sections and configure accordingly. To set proxy without password protection, change it as follows: <proxies>    <proxy>       <id>optional</id>       <active>true</active>       <protocol>http</protocol>       <host> </host>       <port> 80 </port>  ...

Ubuntu: Recent command history (terminal)

Hello guys, In this post I'm gonna show you "How to display and play with a list of recent commands in Ubuntu?". To check history of command or to get info about command executed by user, we can use the following command: history It will display the list of all the command executed, along with a serial number indiacating the oerder in which they are executed. Now you may feel it dificult to find a specific command among them. In order to do so, we can combine the history with grep. history | grep version This will display a list of command in which the word "version" has appeared. We can also execute a specific command by knowing its serial number from this list. After getting the result from history command, just type the number preceeded by ! to execute the command. To execute command which is at number 115 in the list, just type !115 It will run the 115th command in the history list. To re-run a recent command that starts with xyz, just ty...

Reverse Engineering : Convert class or jar to Java files

Previously, we have seen how to extract contents of .img file and also how to convert dex files to classes/jar . In this post, I'm going to show a method to covert class/classes/jar file to java file(s). To do so, we are going to use a tool, JD-GUI. It is a Java Decompiler, which supports all versions of Java, including java-7. Download the application from here , and extract it to a proper location. Now, open the terminal (in case of Linux) and run the following command: ./jd-gui It will open the GUI window of Java decompiler. Just drag-and-drop a class/jar file into this window. In the left panel, we can find the corresponding java files, arranged in proper package format. To save a single file, select it and choose "Save Source" from the top menu. And to save entire package, choose "Save all sources". Troubleshooting : You may ran into one of these problems, while trying to open jd-gui. Install the packages specified accordingly. Erro...

Reverse Engineering : Android Dex files to Class files

In my previous post, we have seen how to extract the contents of img file . After extraction, you will find that most of the files have ".dex" extension. These are Compiled Android application code files. In order to convert them into executable format (.class or .jar), you can use dex2jar tool. Extract it to a proper location and open the terminal to this location. Now run the following command: ./ <Path-to-dex_file> It will bundle the dex files into a jar file, and stores it in the current directory. dex2jar can also be used to convert dex files into variuos other formats. For detailed info, click here .

Reverse Engineering : Extract contents from .img file

Unyaffs is a program to extract files from a YAFFS2 file system image. Currently it can only extract images created by mkyaffs2image. Download the source from here . Compiling : Extract the contents into a suitable place and run the following command make Usage : unyaffs [options] <image_file_name> [<extract_directory>] Options: -d detection of flash layout, no extraction -b spare contains bad block information -c <chunk size> set chunk size in KByte (default: autodetect, max: 16) -s <spare size> set spare size in Byte (default: autodetect, max: 512) -t list image contents -v verbose output -V print version Source: Official github repository

Ubuntu: Problem installing flash player

Recently, I installed ubuntu updates and my browser asked me for flash player, which was previously installed. i tried to install using the regular command sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer But, it says flashplugin-installer is already the newest version Finally, I found the workaround. Previous installation has to removed first (which anyway is not working) Run the following commands : sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer Viola!! It works now.


Today, I tried to install an application from command line and I found this error: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_UID_CHANGED] After Googling for a while, I found the reason. This happens when there is application data from older version is still present. To resolve this, clear/delete the following directory: /data/data/<PACKAGE_NAME> To do this, open terminal and type the following commands: adb shell cd /data/data/ rm -r <PACKAGE_NAME> exit Now try to install the application. Viola.

Ubuntu: Change default location of localhost

By default, localhost ( points to /var/www/ directory in Ubuntu. I prefer the location to be in my home directory. To change the default location, open the file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf  and change it to look as follows: (My wokspace is located at /home/chaithanya/www) <VirtualHost *:80>         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost         DocumentRoot /home/chaithanya/www         <Directory /home/chaithanya/www/>                 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks                 AllowOverride All                 Require all granted         </Directory>    ...

Ubuntu: Install with video drivers disabled

When I tried to install Ubuntu 12.04 on my PC, it halted with 4/5 dots under Ubuntu. It's stuck at that point and no progress. Sometimes you may see some distorted image or white screen. All these problems are due to incompatible video drivers. To get pass behind this screen and boot into the system, hold down SHIFT button while booting from CD/USB and press F6. Now select "nomodeset" option to prevent video drivers from loading. Now you can install Ubuntu successfully. But you may face the problem again while booting (after installation). Then boot in "Recovery Mode" and install graphics drivers from GRUB menu or command line.

Ubuntu: rSync without git subdirectory

Previously I blogged about a good backup/sync tool  rSync . While using it, I faced some problems. It replaced my .git repository and there by affected my git repo settings. I found a way to exclude sync'ing some files/folders. For this we have to use --exclude option. To exclude git sub-directory: rsync -a --exclude='.git/'  And to include some specific files, (Eg: 'c' files) rsync -a --include='*.c/' Source

Ubuntu: Access a usb flash drive from the terminal

    1. Find what the drive is called You'll need to know what the drive is called to mount it. To do that fire off: sudo fdisk -l You're looking for a partition that should look something like:   /dev/sdb1 . Remember what it's called. 2. Create a mount point Create a new directory in   /media   so you can mount the drive onto the filesystem: sudo mkdir /media/usb 3. Mount! sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb When you're done, just fire off: sudo umount /media/usb Source: StackOverflow

Some Useful Firefox Add-ons

Following are some of my favourite firefox add-ons 1. DoNotTrackMe Protect your privacy. Stop companies and advertisers from tracking your browsing and sending you spam email. 2. AdBlock Plus  Blocks annoying video ads on YouTube, Facebook ads, banners and much more. Adblock Plus blocks all annoying ads, and supports websites by not blocking unobtrusive ads by default (configurable). 3. BugMeNot Tired of creating multiple accounts on various websites, bypass compulsory web registration with the context menu via 4. DownThemAll The first and only download manager/accelerator built inside Firefox! 5. Flash Video Downloader Flash Video Downloader helps you to download any video (flv, mp4, HD) from YouTube-like, Facebook, Break, Metacafe and more in one click. You can download mp3, music (iPod), avi and more. Download Flash games. Download Helper.

Ubuntu: Make bootable Windows USB

Recently I came across Ubuntu version of WinUSB, a popular tool to make bootable Windows USB. I found it to be easy and simple. Here is the official website , where you can get this tool.

Ubuntu: Rsync

Rsync is a fast and extraordinarily versatile file copying tool. It can copy locally, to/from another host over any remote shell, or to/from a remote rsync daemon. It offers a large number of options that control every aspect of its behavior and permit very flexible specification of the set of files to be copied. It is famous for its delta-transfer algorithm, which reduces the amount of data sent over the network by sending only the differences between the source files and the existing files in the destination. Rsync is widely used for backups and mirroring and as an improved copy command for everyday use. Rsync is installed in Ubuntu by default. If you need a GUI front-end, install Grsync. It is available in Ubuntu Software Center and also Synaptic package manager. Usage: Local backup sudo rsync -azvv source/ destination/ Remote Backup sudo rsync --dry-run --delete -azvv -e ssh source remoteuser@remotehost.remotedomain:/path-to-destination/ An explanation of above op...